
Ashford Textiles, LLC
1535 West 139th Street
Gardena, California 90249
(310) 327-4670
Ashford Mills
Manufacturing Operations
Zhangzhou, China
Xiamen Ashford
International Logistics
Xiamen, China
1535 West 139th Street
Gardena, California 90249
(310) 327-4670
Manufacturing Operations
Zhangzhou, China
International Logistics
Xiamen, China
Ashford manufactures and distributes home and
domestic goods to wholesale and retail customers.
A fabric technology that satisfies functional and aesthetic requirements
while fulfilling social obligations for manufacturers and consumers.
Ashford specialty fabrics include exclusive Nylon-Spandex and
Poly-Spandex blends, as well as seamless knit products.
Design and manufacturing for fashion, performance and athleisure clothing.
Proprietary fabrics with exclusive patterns and designs.
Massive production capabilities in China, Mexico and the USA.
Chosen markets that emphasize opportunities for core Ashford applications.
The family of Ashford companies manufacture and distribute printed and dyed textiles and finished goods around the world.
With over 3.6 million square feet of manufacturing in Zhangzhou, China on our over 90 acre campus, Ashford is one of the most vertical textile manufacturers in the world.
EcotíveTM is a performance fabric made from fibers created from recycled bottles.
Inherent properties include wicking, measurable warming and cooling effects, and water repellency.
Crossflow® fabric technology is engineered to quickly and easily manage moisture abatement.
Irregular cross-sectionality decreases capillary diameter to enhance moisture transport and distribution.
SempraTM is a fabric made of engineered fibers produced from recycled oyster shells.
Our exclusive engineered fabric offers performance and lasting comfort with a positive environmental offset.
Engineered cooling fabric significantly lowers body surface temperatures during intense activity. Coldfuze® is an excellent choice for performance, exercise and fitness apparel, and underwear or compression applications.
1535 West 139th Street
Gardena, California 90249
(310) 327-4670
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