
Ashford Textiles, LLC
1535 West 139th Street
Gardena, California 90249
(310) 327-4670
Ashford Mills
Manufacturing Operations
Zhangzhou, China
Xiamen Ashford
International Logistics
Xiamen, China
1535 West 139th Street
Gardena, California 90249
(310) 327-4670
Manufacturing Operations
Zhangzhou, China
International Logistics
Xiamen, China
SempraTM and Sempra-based fabrics are made with recycled material sourced from over 320 million annual pounds of oyster shell waste that would otherwise become a major source of pollution. Designed and engineered by Ashford Textiles.
1535 West 139th Street
Gardena, California 90249
(310) 327-4670
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